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Dog training logo for Dog Training and Dog obedience services

Mid Suffolk Dog Handlers - All Dog Training Services

Puppy Socialisation - Puppy School - Basic Training - Advanced Training
The Heel Workshop - The Recall workshop

Adult Socialisation Group Walk
Agility for Beginners - Intermediate - Advanced

1-1 Swim - Learn to Swim - Aqua Dogs (Dock Diving) - Senior Swim
Flyball - Treiball - Disc Dog - Dancing with Dogs

 Subscribe for all Training and Workshop dates and times! 


Stowmarket One to One Intensive Dog Training Workshops

To ensure you are registered with the most appropriate class,
Please check the class requirements prior to booking your place.
All bookings can be completed using our online booking system.

Please email me or contact me via telephone for any queries..

Puppy Socialisation
Single Session (Monday)

For pups between 11 and 15 weeks

Casual play session

Maximum group of 8 (Split into 2 groups of 4) 


Puppy School
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Building the foundations of training

Dogs must be younger than 5 months of age.

Maximum group of 8/10

Basic Training
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Suitable for dogs beginning their training path.

Dogs may continue in Basic Training beyond

the 5 weeks to achieve all skills.

Dogs must be 5 months old and over.

Maximum group of 8/10

Advanced Training
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Suitable for dogs with good foundation training or those

that have completed our Basic Training course.

Dogs may continue beyond the 5 weeks

to achieve all skills.

Dogs must be 5 months old and over.

Maximum group of 8/10

The ‘Heel’ Workshop
4 Week Course (Mondays)

Creating good walking habits and behaviour.

Dogs must be 5 months old and over.
Maximum group of 8/10 

The ‘Recall’ Workshop
4 Week Course (Mondays)

Overcoming your dog recall challenges.

Dogs must have some basic training.
Dogs must be 5 months old and over.

Maximum group of 8/10

Agility for Beginners
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Fun Dog Agility Foundation Training

Dogs with a reliable recall is preferable but not essential.
Dogs must be 6 months old.

Low level equipment used for young dogs.

Maximum group of 8/10

Agility - Intermediate
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Develop your agility skills, speed and communication with your dog.

Dogs with a reliable recall are required.
Dogs must be 12 months old. 
Maximum group of 8/10


Agility – Advanced
5 Week Course (Saturdays)

Next level agility preparing you to compete with your dog.

Dogs with a reliable recall is essential.
Dogs must be 12 months old. 
Maximum group of 8/10

Learn to Swim

5 Week Course 

Improve your dogs confidence in the water.

Dogs must have some basic training.

Dogs under 1 year of age.

Maximum group of 4

Senior Swim
5 Week Course 

Gentle supported water exercise.

Dogs must have some basic training.

Dogs over 8 years of age.

Maximum group of 4


1-1 Swim
Single Session

Improve your dogs confidence in the water.

Gentle supported water exercise.

Games and activities on a 1-1 basis.

Family/ friends dogs can be added for an additional fee. (Up to 3)

Contact the trainer for additional dogs

Dogs must have some basic training.

40 Minute session.

Aqua Dogs

5 Week Course

A fun packed group swim session. 

Swim sports, games and dock diving.

Dogs must have some basic training and a reliable recall.
Dogs must be 12 months old.

Maximum Group of 4

5 Week Course (Tuesdays)

Fast paced and fun, learn the skill of Flyball.

Opportunity to join a Flyball Team.

Dogs must have some basic training and a reliable recall.
Dogs must be 12 months old.
Maximum group of 8/10

Dancing With Dogs
5 Week Course

Learn some clever moves, have some fun and build

your communication with your dog.

Dogs must have some basic training and a reliable recall.
Dogs must be 12 months old. 
Maximum group of 8 dogs


5 Week Course

A fun packed herding sports game with your dog.

Dogs must have some basic training and a reliable recall.
Dogs must be 12 months old.
Maximum group of 6.

Disc Dog

5 Week Course

A fun packed frisbee sports game with your dog.

Dogs must have some basic training and a reliable recall.
Dogs must be 12 months old.
Maximum group of 6.

One to One! 

Intensive focused support

Tackle specific training.

Hourly sessions to meet your needs.


Stowmarket Flyball lessions at Dog Training Classes
Stowmarket Dog Grooming and Dog Training Group
Agility for Beginners classes at Stowmarket


Dog Training at Stowmarket Dog Grooming Classes
The Heel workshop Training at Stowmarket Dog Training classes

The ‘Heel’ Workshop

Keeping safe at the Roadside

Disc Dog

Swim Sessions


Advanced Training

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